• Immediate, point-of-care results expedite diagnosis
• No need for additional training; analytes appear in the same order as other leading brands
• High-quality color chart for accurate visual reading
• Medline Urinalysis 4, 5, 7 and 10 parameter strips (MPHUA4OB, MPHUA5OB, MPHUAURO7, MPHUA10SG) are compatible with visual and analyzer readings
• Microalbumin/Creatinine strips (MPHUAMAC) are only compatible with analyzer readings; glucose/protein strips (MPHUA2GP) are only compatible with visual readings
- Parameter Bilirubin: YES
- Parameter Blood: YES
- Parameter Glucose: YES
- Parameter Ketone: YES
- Parameter Leukocytes: YES
- Parameter Nitrite: YES
- Parameter Ph: YES
- Parameter Protein: Yes
- Parameter Specific Gravity: YES
- Parameter Urobilinogen: YES
- Quantity: 1, 100
- Test Format: Strip